Latest news on international divorce

More and more divorces include one or more foreign elements and require the practitioner to master the specificities of the rules of private international law. French and European case law is also decisive in this matter.

Le Professor Louis PERREAU-SAUSSINE (University of Paris-Dauphine and consultant of the Ginestié Paley-Vincent firm), specialist in private international law, will present the latest news relating to international divorce to remember while reminding how the texts are structured.

The training will take place on Friday October 6, 2023, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 Paris (ACE headquarters - 23 rue Lavoisier - 75008 Paris) and by videoconference via Microsoft Teams.

This training is organized by Agathe LEVY-SEBAUX and Elodie QUER, co-presidents of the Family Law Commission.

This training is free for ACE members and €70 excluding tax for non-members.