Article published with the kind permission of Journal of Health and Health Insurance Law.

By Nathalie Boudet-Gizardin, associated.



The proliferation of media scandals linked to the practice of gynecology-obstetrics combined with the freedom of speech of women, who have denounced the sexist acts with which they are daily confronted during their gynecological and/or obstetrical follow-up, have highlighted a rupture in the bond of trust of patients towards some of their health professionals, and in particular their doctors. A bond of trust that must be reciprocal between patients and caregivers to guarantee the quality of their care, which is not simply limited to the safety of care, but also includes a human dimension. What we call today good treatment ».


How to restore this reciprocal trust in the care relationship in the field? This trust begins with recognition, by the health professionals themselves and by the public authorities, of the reality of certain types of violence and of their fair condemnation on the disciplinary and/or penal level. It also involves the effective development of professional practices and the taking of preventive measures, by practitioners, in the context of the gynecological and/or obstetrical follow-up they provide in their practice, as well as during the care of patients in maternity wards.

The objective of these measures: to put the patient's information and consent back at the heart of her care, as required by law n° 2002-303 of March 4, 2002 known as "Kouchner", which should make it possible to calm relations with health professionals, to make their daily exercise more secure and thus to maintain the quality of the care provided. 


Nathalie Boudet-Gizardin


She joined the firm the same year in the Civil and Health team of Catherine Paley-Vincent. She advises health professionals particularly in terms of:

Civil, disciplinary and criminal defense of health professionals, professional orders and medical and veterinary biology laboratories