extracts from the article of the LJA n°1 595 of 28/08/2023

Philippe Jouvet becomes partner of Ginestié Paley-Vincent

« The 2023 Rugby World Cup has not yet started, but the Ginestié Paley-Vincent firm is already thrilling the crowds by recruiting former parliamentary XV player Philippe Jouvet. He joined the firm as a partner in competition and distribution law. He brings his expertise in the agri-food sector, whose challenges he knows well since he has just worked for a little over four years as legal manager for competition, distribution and consumption at the Tereos cooperative. »

Press Release

After announcing at his 50rd anniversary of the creation of its Brazil Desk, the firm Ginestié Paley-Vincent continues its development with the arrival of Philippe Jouvet, as a new partner.

With a turnover of nearly 200 billion euros and employing more than 450 people, the agri-food sector is the 000er industrial sector, made up of key players, giants of world industry but also many SMEs or family farms. Engine of growth, creator of jobs and significant contributor to French exports, this sector plays a vital role in the economic dynamism of all regions of France. In addition, beyond its economic impact, the sector is faced with issues of sustainability, food safety and public health.

This is how, for Philippe Jouvet, " the legal issues specific to the sector are both original, complex and constantly in the national and European spotlight. Since the Egalim Law of 2018, new needs have emerged requiring specialized support at the service of actors in the agricultural and agri-food sector. I was able to understand these needs as closely as possible, by supporting the partners and employees of the Tereos cooperative, a historic French player but also present on 4 continents”.

Admitted to the Paris Bar in 2010, Philippe Jouvet has been a recognized lawyer in the areas of Competition, Distribution and Consumer Law for fifteen years.

He has in-depth expertise in anti-competitive practices, trade negotiations, anti-competitive practices and other aspects related to economic law. He also intervenes in the context of product crisis management, during investigations by the authorities and to ensure compliance related to the control of concentrations and foreign investments (FDI).

Within the legal department of Tereos, a French cooperative with a global dimension in the fields of sugar, ethanol and starch, and generating more than 6 billion euros in turnover, Philippe Jouvet played a essential role in the implementation of the system provided for by the Egalim law. He has also practiced as a lawyer in renowned firms such as Grall & Associés in Paris and Fidal (Aquitaine-Atlantique Department).

His academic career began at Sciences Po, then he graduated from the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas and the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (Master 2 in public economic law).

He is the author of the article purchasing power in the dictionary of competition law (Concurrences edition, edited by Muriel Chagny and Emmanuel Combe).

Philippe Jouvet is a member of the French Association for Competition Studies (AFEC) and an associate member of the French Association of Corporate Lawyers (AFJE).

He is also a rugby player in the Parliamentary XV (as a former deputy).

Francois DEVEDJIAN, Chairman of the firm underlines that " through his values ​​and his expertise, the arrival of Philippe Jouvet within the firm is part of our development project. His career between renowned law firms and a reference cooperative in the agricultural sector immediately interested us. Philippe Jouvet will provide clients with both strategic and operational legal support, and will enable the firm to strengthen its position in a key area of ​​French industry, namely the agri-food sector, both for its national market and for its international dimension”.


Philippe Jouvet


Before joining Ginestié Magellan Paley-Vincent as a partner, Philippe Jouvet was Legal Manager for competition, distribution and consumption within the TEREOS cooperative, where he implemented the system provided for by the EGALIM Law.