Legal texts

This section brings together the official texts concerning the Covid-19 epidemic, in particular the laws, decrees and orders published.

The health emergency law, March 23, 2020, contains a number of measures to cope with the Covid-19 epidemic: measures to restrict movement, measures to support businesses and individuals.

The law of 11th May 2020 extends the state of health emergency and supplements the provisions of the law of 23 March 2020.

Business support

5 ordinances, dated 25.03.20 set the measures for implementing the Health Emergency Law :
No. 2020-316 : payment of rents for water, gas and electricity bills for affected companies

No. 2020-317 : creation of a solidarity fund for affected companies

No. 2020-318 : adaptation of the rules on the closing and approval of accounts and documents that companies are required to file

No. 2020-319: adaptation of public procurement rules

No. 2020-321 : meeting rules for assemblies and councils

5 orders 

23.03.202002.05.2020 ;12.05.202014.05.2020 ???? NEW 26.05.2020 : State guarantee conditions for credit institutions

2 decrees, relating to the conditions for granting the solidarity fund 

Decree No. 2020-371 et No. 2020-552

1 decree, adapting the rules of meeting and deliberation of assemblies taken following Ordinance No. 2020-321

Decree No. 2020-418

Measures for employers and employees

4 ordinances, 4 decrees and 1 decree set out the measures for implementing the law of health emergency in social matters.

No. 2020-323 : paid holidays, working hours and days of rest

No. 2020-322 : additional benefits to daily allowances paid by Social Security (IJSS)

No. 2020-324 and decree No. 2020-425 and stopped from April 16th: rights to unemployment benefits

No. 2020-460: various measures in social law (compensation for hours not worked, individualization of partial activity)

1 decree of 25.03.2020:

No. 2020-325 : decree No. 2020-346No. 2020-435 ; ???? NEW  No. 2020-522 : partial activity

2 decrees, concerning the procedures for consulting employee representative bodies

No. 2020-419 et No. 2020-441


1 ordinance, 1 decree of 2 May 2020 set the applicable deadlines for consulting and informing the CSE.

No. 2020-507 and decree No. 2020-508

Containment and movement restrictions

3 orders and 8 decrees set movement and assembly restrictions:

arrested March 14, 2020, decree of March 15 et Decree of March 16 2020 : closure to the public of a number of establishments

No. 2020-60 : movement restriction

No. 2020-264No. 2020-357 : fine of 135 euros then set at 200 euros.

No. 2020-293 : clarification of the framework for confinement and gatherings of people, supplemented by the decree No. 2020-423 extending emergency measures until May 11, 2020.

No. 2020-545No. 2020-548???? NEW No. 2020-645 : deconfinement

Health system measures

1 arrested du April 25th : pharmacies authorized to sell “general public” masks

1 arrested du March 23, 2020 prescribes the organizational and operating measures of the health system necessary to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic: preparation of hydro-alcoholic solutions, distribution of masks, extension of certain prescriptions.

Measures relating to legal and jurisdictional procedures

8 ordinances set out the measures for implementing the Health Emergency Law :

No. 2020-303 : adaptation of the rules of criminal procedure

No. 2020-304 et ???? NEW No. 2020-595 : adaptation of the rules of the judicial order ruling in non-criminal matters

No. 2020-305 et No. 2020-405 : adaptation of the rules applicable to administrative courts

No. 2020-306 : extension of deadlines, supplemented by the ordinance No. 2020-427 et ???? NEW No. 2020-560 : extension of deadlines and application of penal / termination clauses and adjustment of deadlines in terms of town planning and sales agreements.

1 decreeauthorizing the notarial act remotely during the period of health emergency
n ° 2020-395


???? NEW Decree n ° 2020-1227 October 6, 2020 - Exceptional lifting of the limit on public subsidies that can be paid to sports groups 

???? NEW 1 order of May 7, 2020 No. 2020-534 relating to the raising of the limit for payment by contactless bank card.

???? NEW 1 order of May 7, 2020 No. 2020-538 relating to the termination of certain contracts in the event of force majeure in the culture and sport sectors